Honey Habanero Sheet Pan Shrimp with House-made Salsa Verde


  • Oishi Shrimp from the Butcher on Whitlock

  • Lane’s Chili Lime Rub

  • Honey Habanero Banner Butter

  • Lime

  • Tomatillos

  • White Onion

  • Garlic

  • Cilantro

  • Serrano Peppers

  • Soul-to-Belly Black Garlic Seasoning Salt


Salsa Verde: We peeled and washed the tomatillos (6), peeled and quartered the onion (used half), split and de-seeded/ribbed the serranos (used 2), and busted up the head of garlic (used 5 cloves). We tossed all of the veg on the rack of a sheet pan and placed them under the broiler. We watched, and rotated, and watched, and rotated until everything had a nice char and was softened.

Everything from the pan went into the blender, with all the collected juices. We added a bunch of cilantro, the juice of half a lime, a tablespoon of chili lime rub and a few teaspoons of black garlic seasoning salt.

It was all blended until smooth and tossed in the fridge.

Shrimp: We dried a pound of Oishi shrimp, dusted them with chili lime rub, and placed them on a sheet pan. We arranged knobs of the honey habanero butter and sliced limes around the shrimp.

 The sheet pan went on the Ranger, running at 400°, for ~8 minutes, rotating the pan every few minutes. We pulled the shrimp once they hit ~125°. This can be done in the oven as well!

The shrimp were peeled and drown in the butter/spice/lime mixture from the pan. The salsa verde was a great accompanying note to the shrimp!



Sheet Pan Enchiladas


AbsolutelyFreakinKiller Sheet Pan Shrimp